Umek is one of the most popular DJs and producers from Eastern Europe and a weekly resident on Prysm Radio.
His sound and great mixes have caught Carl Cox’s attention and the couple have been inseparable since then. We met Umek right after he played his set at Ultra Music Festival in Miami. In the cool atmosphere of the press room in the Ultra boat, he’s told us more on his future releases, his samples CD, the place he’ll be attending this summer and of course his label, “1605“.

Prysm Radio – Hello, welcome Umek on Prysmradio we’re here today in Miami…

Umek – Prison radio.

Noo don’t listen to him it’s Prysmradio. Welcome on board, we’re on a boat here at Ultra Festival with Umek. Hey Umek, how are you, how do you feel?

Hmm I feel really good. Outside it’s so hot, the humidity is killing me. Here it’s nice and fresh.

You need a little wind when you play …

Yes! Always, I love my big fans around the stage so I get a fresh breeze.

You just played here at Ultra. I have to ask you. How was it? I guess it was horrible and all…

It was great as always you know. It’s like, I know every DJ says the same it’s kind of obvious, but it was great. The crowd is from all around the world. I saw flags from Brazil, Argentina, Portugal, Spain, I don’t know.. Great Britain, everywhere! Even Slovenians there on the dancefloor so… How the hell shouldn’t I feel good!

So it is special here?

It is, it is… because Ultra connects people from all around the world.

And did you get to see anyone?

As a DJ?

Yes, playing.

NO! Not yet. Definitely, I’ll go back to see Carl [Cox] I might see some other DJs on the other stages.. Slovenian DJ who moved from Slovenia too.. But I think he is on right now!

Oh is he? So it’s my fault you’re missing Ultra!

Yes it’s YOUR fault yes haha!

I guess you have a lot to present here, because you have so much coming up : An album, some songs, you have a remix..

It’s really the beginning of the year. I have a remix for Chris Lake, that’s coming out on Ultra, I did my own sample bank CD too that’s coming out with new voices… So producers from all around the world will be able to use my samples… I’m actually really proud of it, because I was always buying samples so I thought I should make my own samples CD. It’s quite a big collection, the company I am working with has asked me to make 3 Cds out of it, because there is so much material. So I said « no no no, it will be just one material, one cd but really special » and so when I showed them they said yes, it’s going out real soon. Now the album… Yes there’s an album but then again I have already made like 3 or 4 albums in my life but then I wasn’t able or ready to release them.

  So maybe album maybe not!

I mean, it’s almost done so I guess I will release it.

And did you get to try some new songs from it here at Ultra ?

Yes! Yes, the last song I played today is a new track that doesn’t have a title yet. It’s called Melodic…

That’s a good title !

[laughs] Yeah I mean it’s the working title! And I tried the remix for Chris Lake and I tried the remix for Mason. So of course I tried new things.

You also have your own label « 1605 » that is keeping you quite busy too. You actually presented some of the artists you publish here in Miami, during your own pool part.. So what’s up on “1605”?

“1605” is going strong. We have a lot of recents. I am still trying to find some new names for the label and push our names. But then again it’s quite hard for them; you know no one really cares about new artists. I’m here to point them out, to give them a chance. My name is quite strong so I hope they can get some recognition out of it. I always try to find new fresh up comers.

You’re Slovenian. Is that an important factor for your label? Are you trying to push the scene there?

Yes of course. I have quite a big name back home and I try to point artists I like… I’m really proud of being Slovenian. I made it outside the country which is quite hard. I m travelling around the world, playing big stages… This is really cool.

Talking about travelling the world rocking big stages, Festival season is coming. Where can people catch you this summer?

I’m going to be back in the States for EDC Vegas, EDC New York.. Then there is Ibiza season, obviously I m going to play some dates with Carl [Cox] and there’s a lot and a lot of requests, and there’s going to be a lot of festivals that I can’t remember right now haha.

umek tour

If people really want to catch your tour dates anyway I guess they can visit the usual package : Twitter, Facebook…

O actually what’s new there is a brand new web page! You should check it out!

We should check it out?

Yes it’s super crazy. You know it’s like … It moves around haha! It’s a little geeky… But I love it!

You sell it well; I want to see it now.

You should. Check in. Do it now, take your phone.

Well the wifi is not great here …

Grrrr she’s lying haha!

umek site

Of course everyone can visit to get all your latest news and to catch your show and your label’s show, every sunday on Prysmradio!

Prison radio..

Haha thank you so much Umek for taking the time to be with us today.

Cheers !

Interview : Juliette Leigniel

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Prysm Radio